Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Life... I Wonder... Part. 2.

This is what I dislike about the current society.

Times are hard and God forgive the man that need sell a likkle draw or do what the pressures of the system make him do to survive. The System enforces laws which lock the poor man down, who are only trying to just barely scrape by in life. When there is little to no enforcement, or knowledge for that matter, of the rich people that steal and unlawfully acquire millions of dollars to enhance their wealth. Since when one boom jaw can lock you away and others can rape the system and kick back and chill on multi-million dollar yatchs?

Real tingz, I feel that the whole Planet need be wiped away and those who survive, have a chance of making it right.

It's too late for this civilization. We been corrupted by far too long by the monetary system. I feel we would have been better off with a different system of life, like a resource based system.

Money is the greatest and worst thing this civilization invented.

The End.

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